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Ship Repair Services

Down Time Costs Money

Maintaining your vessel’s seaworthiness is our priority. Deep Ocean coordinates necessary repairs and maintenance, from routine checks to major overhauls, while in port or offshore. Our network of skilled professionals ensures top-notch service, specializing in areas like hull and machinery, electrical systems, and onboard equipment. We prioritize safety regulations and minimize downtime, ensuring your vessel’s continued operation and profitability.

Repairs 24/7/365

Deep Ocean coordinates state-of-the-art ship repair services in Sri Lanka with a strong focus on health, safety, and environmental protection. Sri Lanka offers facilities that include sophisticated graving docks and workshops, enabling us to repair all vessel types, from tankers to offshore support vessels.

We provide a comprehensive range of services, including underwater repairs, engine overhauls, and on-site maintenance. Our skilled teams and advanced technology ensure efficient and high-quality repairs 24/7, meeting all vessel maintenance needs.


Quote Maintaining seaworthiness and operational efficiency

“The art of the sailor is to leave nothing to chance.”

– Annie Van De Wiele

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